Thursday, October 2, 2014

Our Code

Over the years, I've seen an increasing number of folks who disagree with having the NNV (Nine Noble Virtues for those who may be new to the faith) in Heathenry. There are so many debates back and forth about the topic, that it can get ridiculous. People will spend more time complaining about the NNV being the Heathen's 10 Commandments, than anything else. I've always looked at them as a code of ethics to live by. That's just it. It's something to strive for in our daily lives to help us form and maintain relationships and bonds with our folk. However, I've always felt that for our tribe, we needed more than that. We needed our own code that fit who we are and our view of things.

Codes are great to have. they help us stay on the right path to achieve our goals, and they remind us of what we're about. A problem in Heathenry comes from lack of direction and goals.  This becomes a problem especially for new Heathens. Some come in looking for that structure, and are only met with chaos. They look for guidance, but are met with someone telling them to find their own way around, and then they get mocked when they do.

The fact is, we need goals. Not only for those who have been here, but for those who will come. We need structure to carry out those goals. We need organization and vision. For us, that's what our code is about. 

Given, while our tribe's code may not be looked well upon by everyone, it works for us and describes how we try to carry ourselves and live

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